This page contains answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning matter such as our general terms and conditions, the ordering process, complaints, our delivery area, delivery times and our product portfolio. If you are not able to find the answers to your questions here, then please give us a call or send us an email.
General terms and conditions
You can find our general terms and conditions here.
Enquiries and orders
We will be happy to speak to about any question or concern you may have regarding the preparation of quotations, the purchasing procedure or the production status of your order. To do this, please give us a call on +49 (0) 2102 133990 or send us an email.
Acceptance of deliveries
In accordance with section 377 of the German Commercial Code (HGB), the customer is required to inspect the delivery promptly and note down any obvious defects on the freight documents of the freight forwarder. Hidden defects must be reported in writing within 5 days. If the buyer fails to comply with this requirement, they will no longer have the right to claim for damages. If you are unable to properly inspect the delivery when it arrives, then we recommend first accepting the goods conditionally.
Section 377
(1) If the purchase is a commercial transaction for both parties, then the buyer is obliged to promptly examine the goods after they are delivered by the seller, insofar as this is feasible in the ordinary course of business, and to inform the seller of any defects found without delay.
(2) If the buyer fails to notify the seller of any defects, then the goods are considered to be accepted, unless the defect is one that could not be seen during the inspection of the goods.
(3) If such a defect becomes apparent at a later stage, then the seller must be notified of the defect promptly after it is detected; otherwise, the goods are deemed to have been accepted, even in light of this defect.
(4) Timely notification of any defects is sufficient to protect the purchaser's rights.
(5) The seller cannot invoke these provisions if they have fraudulently concealed the defect.
We appreciate all recommendations. If you are not satisfied with our services, please give us a call on +49 (0) 2102 133990 or send your complaint directly via email to info@2m-deutschland.de with information/images. We take complaints very seriously and will look into the matter as quickly as possible and get back in touch with you.
Delivery area
2M (Deutschland) GmbH is a global company with a worldwide sale structure. We deliver our products via road, rail, sea and air in cooperation with our freight forwarding partners. In addition to the classic method of shipping via a freight forwarding company, parcel shipping via a shipping service provider is also possible.
Delivery time
The delivery times vary depending on the product, the scope of delivery and the workload at the time of ordering. We will be happy to provide you with personal, customised advice in relation to your construction projects. We are happy to receive your orders and can guarantee that they will be carried out properly, professionally and in a timely manner.
Product portfolio
As a manufacturer and supplier of stages, stands and structures for sporting facilities, 2M (Deutschland) GmbH has taken on a key role in the European market. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, 2M is one of the leading companies in this market segment.