Overstage machinery by 2M
In particular for theatres, but also for all other events 2M can provide the suitable overstage machinery.

Shaft hoists
The load rods of shaft hoists are mostly made of steel or aluminum and can carry components of up to 300 kg. As for shaft hoists several rope drums are connected by means of a transmission tube. Since the ropes on the rope drum move, they are not recommended for use in shows including scenery such as theatre.

Smart hoists
With smart hoists all components are fastened to a supporting tube and can carry net loads of up to 750 kg. Due to the rope course smart hoists are perfectly suitable for change of scenery in theatre - unlike shaft hoists.
Understage machinery by 2M

Hall podiums
Platforms are movable floors on the stage, the forestage and the hall. We use thrust chains for propulsion (LinkLift) from Serapid. According to regulations, the load is dimensioned
to at least 500 kg/m² of static load and normally 250 kg/m² of dynamic load. The chains bear the complete vertical force. The horizontal forces are borne by the guides.

Lifting platforms
In most theatre-concert halls, lifting platforms are needed for the transport of scenery. Increasingly often, disused hydraulic systems are replaced by the unique rigid chain system.Thanks to specific lateral guidance, the platform heights are virtually unlimited. The useful side effect: a load platform becomes an orchestra reduction.
Maintenance Work & Service
What is stage technology?
Stage technology describes the entire technical equipment of stages in theatres, halls or outdoor venues. This equipment allows for realising the event according to plan or the show according to script. The technical and mechanical equipment consists of e.g., overstage machinery, understage machinery, light technology, speakers, video and projection devices as well as decoration such as scenery and curtains. By means of these technical devices certain visual or acoustic effects can be achieved during the event. For controlling the stage technology of concerts, theatres and events specially trained stage technicians are needed to supervise the background technology.
Which elements are included in stage technology?
The most important elements of stage and event technology are the overstage machinery, the understage machinery and the stage floor. They provide the perfect framework conditions for your event and can be changed, adjusted or used in a different way depending on the venue and the special features of the show.
• Overstage machinery: The machinery of the overstage consists of numerous hoists such as point hoists, shaft hoists or smart hoists by means of which large decorations can be moved or spotlights can be installed. Furthermore, the stage technicians can be found at the portal and the lighting bridge, which are located in the upperstage. This area cannot be seen from the audience.
• Understage machinery: Below the stage floor the lifting or revolving stage can be found, which is operated technically. Lifting platforms can e.g., be used for transporting, lowering or moving up entire sceneries. Thanks to the numerous possibilities the understage machinery with its different components can be easily adapted to the requirements of the respective event.
• As show area of your event the stage floor needs to meet special requirements. It should be slip-resistant, stable, resilient as well as nailable and screwable. A stage floor can have either several mobile elements or be permanently installed.
Overstage machinery
The machinery of the overstage consists of numerous hoists such as point hoists, shaft hoists or smart hoists by means of which large decorations can be moved or spotlights can be installed. Furthermore, the stage technicians can be found at the portal and the lighting bridge, which are located in the upperstage. This area cannot be seen from the audience.
Understage machinery
Below the stage floor the lifting or revolving stage can be found, which is operated technically. Lifting platforms can e.g., be used for transporting, lowering or moving up entire sceneries. Thanks to the numerous possibilities the understage machinery with its different components can be easily adapted to the requirements of the respective event.
Stage floor
• As show area of your event the stage floor needs to meet special requirements. It should be slip-resistant, stable, resilient as well as nailable and screwable. A stage floor can have either several mobile elements or be permanently installed.
Wie können wir dir weiterhelfen?
Safety and stage technology
For the success of your show or event numerous aspects are to be considered in particular regarding the safety of stage technology. Certain safety requirements and complex legal regulations need to be observed. The special challenge is to reliably guarantee the security of the audience and the people on stage and at the same time prevent acoustic and visual interruptions of the event. Together with you we will plan the technical equipment according to your individual ideas and requirements - customised and high-performance. With the competent support of 2M you will get the stage and event technology you expected.
Which stage technology do you need for which kind of event?
Stage technology is as individual as the event itself and should put it into the right perspective by means of optical and acoustic effects. While theatre and concert stages need to carry or move high loads such as trusses, lighting, scenery or platforms, in stage technology for trade fairs or conferences high-quality flooring and flexible solutions for stage rear walls with projection surfaces or LED walls are important. It is vital for all events that the individual elements of stage technology are both robust as well as high-performance and compatible with other components. Thus, it can be guaranteed that the respective requirements for theatre and music shows or events in trade fair or city halls can be quickly and easily realised.